Student Life
With Us
The ultimate mobile app for students. Connect, share, and shape your student experience.
Together, we build
a better campus life
Have you ever wondered if there's a way to find friends who are also students at your school or other schools in your local area? Kogo is a space to connect, chat, and share with fellow students, whether they’re nearby or part of a national student network.
Where community and
friendship begin
Curious about the trending topics among student communities? Discover what’s popular, fun, and interesting on campus. Chat with students from your school or nearby schools and meet new friends.
Our space, exclusively
for students
Share your ideas or engage with posts from other students. Comment on fun or insightful posts and be part of a vibrant campus community.
For a better
university life
Missing the right tools or information designed for students? With Kogo, you can effortlessly manage your academic life and stay on top of your coursework.